EMD Fact Sheet                  
Airline Name LOT (LO)                
Implementation Date MAR-2014 DEC-2014 (EMDA)  
 Description of fee RFIC RFISC Method Group EMD type ICW Refund Void Exchange
Rebooking Fee D 993 Manual SVC  N/A EMD-S Y N Y N
Deposits Down Payments  D 997 Manual SVC  N/A EMD-S N Y Y Y
Refundable Balance - REFUNDABLE BALANCES D 996 Auto-generated N/A EMD-S Y Y N N
Unaccompanied Minor E 0BH DAS UN EMD-A Y Y Y Y
Oxygen E 0B4 DAS MD EMD-A Y Y Y Y
Upgrade meal G 0LO DAS UP EMD-A Y Y Y Y
Pre Paid Bag UPTO 23KG 158LCM C 0GO DAS BG EMD-A Y Y Y Y
Bicycle C 0EC DAS BG EMD-A Y Y Y Y
Pet in Cabin C 0BT DAS PT EMD-A Y Y Y Y
Passenger Assistance E 0BY DAS UN EMD-A Y Y Y Y
First checked Baggage C 0CD DAS BG EMD-A Y Y Y Y
Name Change Fee D 0L7 Manual SVC  N/A EMD-S Y N Y N
Seat Assignment A 0B5 Smartpoint SA EMD-A Y N Y N
EMD-A Important Notes
“ Non Refundable “ Endorsement remark must be added at the time of issuing an EMD-A document.This applies to all EMD-A services indicated above.
  1G : EMDI/ER-NONREF/IC0800123456789
  1V :EMDI/ER-NONREF/IC0800123456789
  1P : EMDI|ERNONREF|IC0800123456789
At this time ,you might notice few other additional services dispalyed on the catalogue however the above listed fees are the ones acually launched. LOT is working to remove rest of them from the catalogue.
1. Note for Prepaid Bag:  LO will manually confirm the SSR XBAG thus the confirmation might take some time for both SSR XBAG and SSR ASVC
2. Note for Oxygen : This fee is not available for Apollo and on Galileo/Worldspan LO will manually confirm oxygen and might a little longer time for confirmation 
Inaddition to it, LO requires SSR MEDA to be entered for each oxygen service booked
Formats : 1P: 3SAN1.1MEDA NEED OXYGEN 
                   1G: SI.MEDA*NEED OXYGEN you will then get a promt, enter the free text >SI.MEDA@* FREETEXT TO BE ENTERED HERE
                   1V: @:3MEDA/NEED OXYGEN 
Also if a MEDIF form is involved the answers for each question present in the form needs to be entered in the form of SSR OTHS in to the PNR
Example:3SSROTHSLO 01 PAX NAME ,3SSROTHSLO 02 DOCTOR NAME.. 01,02 indicates the question numbers
3.  Note for PETS:  The animal can only be CAT, DOG or FERRET.
Required free-form text - [Number] [type of animal] [weight]KG DIM[L]x[W]X[H]CM  - FORMAT: DAS01L4*TX-1DOG 5KG 50X40X20CM 

a: As LOT Polish Airlines (LO) are part of the Lufthansa Miles and More Program, agents should enter frequent flyer numbers for LO passengers with an LH prefix using standard cross accrual entries:
> 3SSRFQTVLOHK/LH123456789-1.1 
b: Due to processing limitations, bookings with unaccompanied minors intended to be allocated seats described as “Suitable for an unaccompanied minor” should allocate them directly with the carrier.
c: Due to processing limitations, bookings with an Adult/Infant intended to be allocated seats described as “Bassinet” should allocate them directly with the carrier
DAS formats Examples 
DAS01L19*TX-UM8 UMNR - Free text mandatory
DAS01L18 OXYG - No Free text required however SSR MEDA need to be manually entered as stated above 
DAS01L13*TX-BS UPML -  Carrier will retrun NO status for SSR if no meal type is entered (valid meal types - BS (Base), MO (MOML), DB(DBML),NL (NLML),VG (VGML),GF (GFML),VL(VLML) 
DAS01L12*TX-23KG 1PC 80X80X70CM Prepaid Bag - Free text mandatory - check carrier policy for maximum size
DAS01L1*TX- 20KG DIM 120X25X60 CM  Bicycle - Free text mandatory - check carrier policy for maximum size 
DAS01L17*TX-1CAT 5KG 50X40X20CM Pet in Cabin- Free text Mandatory - valid for   CAT,DOG or FERRET.  Must include weight and dimensions - check carrier policy for maximum size 
DAS01L20*TX-MASS Passenger assistance- Free text manadtory
DAS01L1 First checked baggage - No Free text required
SVC segment example (Auto-generated at time of RB EMD issuance - may not be manually entered): 
Rebooking Fee is for ET exchanges and Revalidation.
For Group Deposit the SVC must apply to the first passenger name of the group. Do not use the Group name.