EMD Fact Sheet                  
Airline Name Turkish Airlines  (TK)            
Implementation Date Feb. 2014  
 Description of fee RFIC RFISC Method Group EMD type ICW Refund Void Exchange
Penalty Fee D 98F Manual SVC  N/A EMD-S Y N Y N
Deposits Down Payments  D 997 Manual SVC  N/A EMD-S N Y Y N
Refundable Balance - REFUNDABLE BALANCES D 996 Auto-generated N/A EMD-S Y Y N N
SVC segment example (Auto-generated at time of RB EMD issuance - may not be manually entered): 
For Penalty Fee - input EMD number in OSI element  
For Group Deposit, TK requires  isuance against Group name and direct communication to TK office of EMD number, plus input of the EMD number in OSI element
1G entry: SI.TK* EMD Number 
1P entry: 3OSI TK EMD Number
1V entry: @:3OSI TK EMD Number
*If the fare currency which is used for EMD issuance is different than the local currency,
both currencies and BSR must be shown on  the endorsement box of EMD 
SVC Examples: